Listening to Christian talks can be a real blessing and we hope you find them useful in your walk with God. Please find below a selection of audio and video recordings from previous services held at Meadgate Church in Great Baddow.
Whilst it’s great to hear the talks, there’s nothing quite like being at Meadgate Church to experience praising God and joining with us in fellowship.
If you’ve not been to our Church before or perhaps haven’t been for a while, please do come along. We’d love to see you!
God is in the business of reversing difficult situations. Pat illustrates through the story of Esther how God can turn things around and delights to involve us in his plans
Proverbs has a lot to say on wisdom and often personifies it as a woman. The last 22 verses, though they talk about a woman, seem to actually be discussing…
Jesus cannot be hidden. We are to be "doers of Jesus's words". Be willing to ask God for anything, for He is a loving Father. God desires us to request.
God can meet you where you are!If you pay attention to what he says you an finish in a different place to where you started!
We are often distracted by works of our hands but bread made by our hands will leave us hungry again. We should seek instead God's works in our hearts, spiritual…
Christian friend, Christian fraud or Christian follower? Choose good christian role models to imitate.
Tim reminds us how we all have a choice; between the earthly and the heavenly Kingdom. The earthly one traps us, the heavenly one frees us.
The people judge Jesus by their culture, intellect, experience. Grace has no ending, where Jesus was rejected. He went back there. Grace never gave up. Don't give up on God…