Wisdom is the wife of noble character

Proverbs has a lot to say on wisdom and often personifies it as a woman. The last 22 verses, though they talk about a woman, seem to actually be discussing wisdom. Proverbs tells us that the start of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. It also give copious examples of how wisdom is applied…

Proverbs has a lot to say on wisdom and often personifies it as a woman. The last 22 verses, though they talk about a woman, seem to actually be discussing…

The woman as an example

Jesus cannot be hidden. We are to be “doers of Jesus’s words”. Be willing to ask God for anything, for He is a loving Father. God desires us to request.

Jesus cannot be hidden. We are to be "doers of Jesus's words". Be willing to ask God for anything, for He is a loving Father. God desires us to request.

Jesus is the Living Bread

God can meet you where you are!If you pay attention to what he says you an finish in a different place to where you started!

God can meet you where you are!If you pay attention to what he says you an finish in a different place to where you started!

The Works of God

We are often distracted by works of our hands but bread made by our hands will leave us hungry again. We should seek instead God’s works in our hearts, spiritual bread that satisfies.

We are often distracted by works of our hands but bread made by our hands will leave us hungry again. We should seek instead God's works in our hearts, spiritual…

Bible Society update plus Sermon

Christian friend, Christian fraud or Christian follower? Choose good christian role models to imitate.

Christian friend, Christian fraud or Christian follower? Choose good christian role models to imitate.

Which kingdom?

Tim reminds us how we all have a choice; between the earthly and the heavenly Kingdom. The earthly one traps us, the heavenly one frees us.

Tim reminds us how we all have a choice; between the earthly and the heavenly Kingdom. The earthly one traps us, the heavenly one frees us.