Team Ministry

Great Baddow Team Ministry
Ministering to three churches
St Mary’s Great Baddow – Meadgate Great Baddow – St Paul’s Great Baddow

Team Rector
There is a vacancy for the Great Baddow Team Ministry Team Rector.
Phil Sheldrake
Team Vicar
Phil is one of our two Team Vicars within our Team, and has specific oversight for the Mission outreach of the team ministry. He is specifically involved in community and social involvement, Messy church and holiday clubs, communications and digital mission and our Fresh Expressions work.
Phil is also the lead minister for the work within the schools.
Day of rest (Thursday)

Andy Greaves – Brown
Team Vicar
Andy is half time in the Baddow Team & half-time at Church of Our Saviour, Springfield.
He has specific oversight of Pastoral Care across our parish. This includes our work with Prayer and healing ministry, spiritual guideance, bereavement and social care.
Andy also works alongside our partners at the Foodbank and CAP.
Day of rest (Friday)